
Showing posts from August, 2018

Lincoln National Forest, Oak Grove Campground - 7/20-7/22/18

Hi y'all, When I was interning in New Mexico in 2015, the wife (then girlfriend) and I had found a really pretty meadow in Lincoln NF and disperse camped there after spending the day at White Sands. Since then, Lincoln NF has seemed too far away to feasibly visit. However, I had a job interview in Roswell and drove past the Capitans, so I thought I'd do some research. Turns out, Socorro is a lot closer to Lincoln NF than I thought! After doing a bunch of research, and calling the Smoky Bear ranger station, we landed on Oak Grove campground as our destination. Ruidoso had gotten some nasty storms that week, so road conditions were uncertain. However, future expeditions will definitely involve the Upper Bonito dispersed camping area. More on that later! Because of a late afternoon meeting, we didn't leave Socorro until 5 pm, and thus didn't get to Oak Grove until about 7:00 pm. Fortunately, we made pretty good time on NM 380. The road up to Oak Grove is paved t...

Cibola National Forest, Chamisoso Canyon trail - 8/6/2018

Hi y'all! Let me tell you, I did not do my due diligence and ended up going every which way but the way that I had wanted to go. Here's that Manzanita Mountains Trail Map again. My annotated route. Sorry for the poor quality. What I did was take ATV bypass slightly east to Powerline, which I followed to the junction with Chamisoso. I took Chamisoso almost until the end, but turned back at an arroyo crossing. I followed that back about 1 - 1.5 miles to the Coyote-Camisoso Link, which I briefly followed until 462. I took 462 southwest to the ATV bypass, which I then followed until close to the parking lot, where I gave up and just followed the road back. The actual route I took can be found here. And here's a handy elevation profile: As you might be able to tell, it wasn't a bad hike until that pesky ATV bypass, which was a little rough most due to very loose rocks. I had intended to follow one of the hikes mentioned in the Albuquerque Seni...